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A soap opera on hyperdrive populated by the characters from Games of Thrones.   Marva Dasef, author of The Witches of Galdorheim series



Dedication: Although this story of political intrigue and armed conflict in outer space in no way compares to what is currently happening in Eastern Europe, I would like to dedicate this book to the valiant people of Ukraine, their indomitable president, Volodymyr Zelensky, and all who fight greed, oppression, and inequality on our own world, and strive towards peace, freedom, and justness. Stay strong.








The Disappearing Rose is a charming story about children helping children and introduces young


students to English History in the most delightful way.


Wendy Laharner, author of The Unhewn Stone.



Highly recommended for kids of all ages. I'm giving this five stars to include the entire series. I'm usually stingier with stars.

Marva Dasef, author of The Witches of Galdorheim series



The Side Trip tales are a wonderful mystery and action series for kids (including me) 

Marva Dasef, author of The Witches of Galdorheim series



Plenty of twists and turns to keep young readers interested right to the last page.

Linda Rogers, academic librarian (retired) 














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